BabyLuv Honey
B A B Y | L U V
This line of products started out as a baby shower gift for my friend Angela a few years ago. She mentioned needing some lavender infused Shea butter to rub on her belly and to soothe her baby girl once she was born.
Over the years, I’ve worked to perfect the recipe and ensure it is the best possible all natural care for mammas AND safe enough for baby.
The wash is our aloe Vera soap and lavender essential oil. The honey is gentle enough to give your baby or young one a soothing rubdown that lulls them right to sleep. (Yup, I’ve got data on this). Or for a mamma to be to rub on her belly as needed.
I use lavender essential oil from the Carolina Lavender Farm and blend it into the butter and into the honey base because I know it is grown there with love and intention.
To further enhance the organic experience, we use the healing properties of the locally grown lavender buds from FLOWERS BY ALEXES in Washington, DC.
BabyLuv is now available online as a standard 24/7 item. This is a perfect baby shower, doula or new mamma gift.
I invite you to Google the super soothing properties of lavender for more deets on its benefits.
The earth gives us EVERYTHING we need to thrive. This product is organic and handmade with LOVE from us to you !